Trad Contents

  1. Dedication 
  2. You Should Be Mad As Hell!
    Your unfair world is getting even unfairer
  3. We Evolved to Let The Powerful Walk Over Us
    Why we let a few in society take almost everything
  4. War, Genocide and Dick Swinging Contests
    Here’s who pays for the stupid choices the powerful make
  5. My Little Autocrat’s Playbook
    The step-by-step guide to crushing democracy
  6. Introduction
    A brief explanation of this book
  7. Divided We Stand
    Our divided societies let a few steal all the wealth
  8. Politicians Divide Us To Rule Us
    How politicians sow division to weaken the general population
  9. A Tale of Two Tax Systems
    The poorest pay relatively more tax than the wealthiest
  10. The Media Know How To Press Our Buttons
    Rather than entertain and share news, the media’s job is to divide us
  11. We Love Free Speech…What Did You Just Say?
    Speech is only free if we say the right things
  12. You Say Tomato, I Say Death To The Heretic
    Communication is hard, especially when we don’t listen
  13. The Gender Agenda
    The ways that gender splits our societies
  14. Race To The Bottom
    The harm caused by denied racial biases
  15. Holier Than Thou
    Religion’s often toxic effect on populations
  16. Hans, Are We The Baddies?
    Maybe we’re not as pure as the driven snow after all
  17. Some Of Us Are Warriors
    A few brilliant people drive us forward generation after generation
  18. Could We Shout Less And Listen More?
    We are part of the problem
  19. The Heffalumps And The Swamp
    How politicians and the wealthy are in it together
  20. The Lies That Divide Us
    Some of the reasons we’re so easy to lie to
  21. What Is Truth?
    We talk about truth, but what is it really?
  22. People Are People
    We’re almost all the same and want the same things, wherever we’re from
  23. Truth, Lies Or Something Inbetween?
    Thoughts about how to tell truth from lies and anything inbetween
  24. Common Sense Says
    Using common sense to break down some common untruths
  25. An Embarrassment Of Riches, So Why Aren’t They Embarrassed?
    The way that society embraces wealth inequality
  26. Profit Before People
    How the wealthy put wealth ahead of people
  27. One Law For Us And One Law For Them
    The wealthiest are treated more generously if they break a law
  28. Don’t Worry, Be SLAPPy
    The law can be used by the wealthy to hide the truth
  29. Eat, Drink And Be Merry, For Tomorrow We Die
    Considering the connection between wealth and climate change
  30. Will The Real Slim Shady Please Stand Up?
    The dangerous power of celebrity
  31. We Are Family
    The wealthy pass their wealth to the children, but not their debts
  32. Many Blood Sucking Creatures
    The problem with modern politicians in our modern world
  33. Bolluchs Economics
    Why trickle down economics is such a ridiculous lie
  34. The Strong Leader Paradox
    Autocratic leaders do a great job of hiding their weakness
  35. Trump’s Election Was Stolen – Here’s The Undeniable Proof
    How some democratic voting systems are undemocratic
  36. The Secret Sauce of Autocracy
    The ill effects of immigration for the original and destination countries
  37. Big Government Vs Small Government
    Illustrating why the wealthy tell us big government is bad for us
  38. The Serious Business Of Government
    Running government like a business could save us so much money
  39. Don’t They Serve The People?
    See how politicians and judges may not be on our side
  40. Let’s Move The Goalposts
    Some people in democracies want to sidestep democracy when it suits them
  41. Why Don’t Politicians Have A Fiduciary Duty?
    Many jobs have a legal responsibility to clients, but not politicians
  42. Nowt Needier Than The Media
    The problems with trusting the media to do the right thing
  43. Abuse Of Power?
    Bullies can always be sure to get good jobs in the media
  44. Is The Media Industry Racist?
    How racism and other “isms” are used by the media
  45. Fake Journalism
    An example of biased reporting spun as objective journalism
  46. United We Fall
    We’re all doomed to repeat the same mistakes of our ancestors
  47. Afterthought