Divided We Stand United We Fall

Or Why U No Mad As Hell For Ducks Sack?

By Jethro H. Forclift

Will Generation Z be the one that takes a stand?

  • 1.6 billion people have lost democratic rights since the birth of the first Zoomer
  • The poorest 50% of Americans own just 2.5% of all wealth, the poorest 50% of Britons own less than 6% of all wealth and the poorest 40% of Europeans own just 3%
  • The wealthy buy houses to convert the income of poorer people into more wealth for them
  • They profit from selling us basic human essentials like power and water
  • Their wealth makes more wealth while they play golf and sleep, yet they accuse the poorest of being lazy
  • Oh, and the wealthiest 1% generate more carbon emissions than the poorest 66%, but they don’t worry about climate change because they know they’ll buy their way out of future problems

For ducks sack, we should be mad as hell. So why aren’t we? Why do we fight among ourselves?

Skim through the highlights below now and you’ll know you have to dive into the oddest serious book of the year. We’ll laugh together as we consider so many ways that the wealthy divide us and take advantage of us. By the end, you’ll either be shell-shocked or mad as hell. Probably both.


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